A Photo by Traneisha Johnson

Beauty can be seen all around us, but photography is the art that captures such a phenomenon. Traneisha Johnson of Natural Perception Photography is on a mission to capture faith, beauty and triumph in it's most natural form.

Now Located in San Antonio TX
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Friday, September 28, 2012

He Will Answer

The Extension of our hands
The prayer in our hearts
The Extension of our hands,the prayer in our hearts
The plea in our tears ,the voice in our cries
The strength in our stand are our ways to glorify the God we serve.
There is no one way to worship
for if you fall to you knees and scream ,he will hear you ,and he will answer.If you close your eyes that are flooded with tears in desperation seeking him,he will answer. If there is a time that you cant see the light ,and you are lost in life ,he will find you ,and he will answer.
When you are lost ,he will find you

The people of God Look no certain way ,we are of different shades of skins,born of different times,lived our lives in different ways ,but the strength of us is our differences;because the unity of us is in God .Ever Cry let out freely in his name is heard and answered .When you have arrived at a place of peace,when you can extend your hands freely ,you have arrived at                   "Destination Worship
Destination Worship

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