A Photo by Traneisha Johnson

Beauty can be seen all around us, but photography is the art that captures such a phenomenon. Traneisha Johnson of Natural Perception Photography is on a mission to capture faith, beauty and triumph in it's most natural form.

Now Located in San Antonio TX
For Booking Info and prices Call or Email

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A Photo By Traneisha Johnson of NaturalPerception Photogrpahy

NaturalPerception KIDS 
    A Photo by Traneisha Johnson

The Cuteness of the Baby's and their unscripted faces...
ON the hunt for CANDY....

   The Twin Thing ..........No its not a mirror effect..

The Expressions of child a change so quickly ,you have got to be ready for that split second moment..... "The Smile"
                                                                       "The Laugh"......
"The Dance Move".....
                       "The beauty in a sleeping child"
 "The Playful moment"
The hearts of our children are innocent and honest. 
"Hear no evil ,speak no evil ,and see no evil"..

 For Booking Info : Please Call 
Traneisha 210-848-7810

Reasonable Prices and friendly Service

" The sleeping moment returns" 

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